( from Twitter @wishboneash_com )

    Sunday, 10 February 2008

    Note to Novotel

    Hotel bathrooms tend to fall into two categories. Either they're ridiculously bad and completely unthought out or they're in the same competition as service station restrooms, that is, you have to spend 5 minutes working out where things are and you have to guess how to work the taps. I'm not really in the bathroom world but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if there's some equivalent of the Turner Prize for the most artistic restroom. Functionality isn't important - it just has to look weird.

    Anyway, I just wanted to let Novotel know that although their sideways upside down tap may look cool it's f*&king dangerous. Imagine running the water, covering your face in soap then bending down over this sink to wash it off. I'm sure more than one person has lost an eye performing this everyday act in a Novotel bathroom. If this place was in america instead of Holland there'd be lawsuits flying all over the place.
