( from Twitter @wishboneash_com )

    Friday, 18 September 2009

    Swinish Device.

    Swine flu was actually around in Poland, back in the Middle Ages. Here you see a device that the poor victims would have to wear. By this means it was clear to all in the neighborhood that you were to be avoided at all costs.

    I jest.

    We actually came across this example of the blacksmith’s art in the castle in Olsztyn. It’s actually a terrible torture helmet, designed for gouging out the eyes and extracting the tongue of the (definitely) poor hapless victim. The castle was the same place where Copernicus was the custodian back in the day, as Joe mentioned in his recent ‘tweet’. There was an example of one of his clocks on the wall. Our visit was altogether enjoyable, aside from all the torture and so on.

    The outdoor show later that evening, was a blast too, with our Polish audience actually singing to us at the end of the show, celebrating our 40th anniversary promotion. For their trouble they got 3 encores that night and it felt good to warm up the band on this, the first of 4 shows here.

    Today, it’s an 8 eight hour drive to Wrocklaw. So far so good. We have the vehicle stocked full of food to minimize the stops. It’s sometimes slow going since we have to accommodate numerous farm vehicles encountered en route. But the weather is fine and sunny - perfect autumn crispness with blue skies and the leaves are just beginning to turn here.

    We hope it’s fine where you are and we are looking forward to a few new songs being introduced int the set for the upcoming U.K. tour.

    ~ A.P.